Paise Ka Ghamand Quotes In English

The intoxicating effect of wealth and power has long been warned against. "Paise ka ghamand", a saying in Hindi, encapsulates the arrogance and hubris that often accompany great riches. Directly translated as "the pride of money", this evocative phrase cautions against letting affluence inflate the ego and diminish character. 

In English, we have many parallel idioms and quotes that convey similar warnings about the morally corrosive effects of wealth, success, and status. "Pride goes before a fall" is one timeless proverb, advising that an arrogant spirit precipitates ruin. Benjamin Franklin famously quipped that "an empty bag cannot stand upright", reminding us that true self-worth stems from inner rectitude, not outward prosperity.

In this collection, you'll find an assortment of insightful quotes in English that offer wisdom about remaining grounded and virtuous even in the midst of good fortune. They touch on the blinding power of greed, the emptiness of vanity, the poverty of ego, and the essentialness of retaining humility and perspective even as material abundance increases. 

Together, these sayings provide cautionary advice about avoiding "the pride of money" and retaining moral clarity and compassion regardless of one's net worth or societal position. Heeding such wisdom helps inoculate the soul against the corrupting influence of power and wealth.

Paise Ka Ghamand Quotes

"A rich man with an arrogant attitude will soon be reduced to poverty."

"Arrogance due to wealth is like a house built on sand - it seems imposing but cannot withstand the storms of life." 

"Beware of pride and ego that often come alongside great riches, for they can destroy relationships faster than any ledger."

"Do not let financial success inflate your pride. Stay humble and remember that true character is not defined by wealth."

"Money can buy comforts but not values or morals. Do not mistake a thick pocketbook for a superior being." 

"There is no correlation between bank account statements and human decency - a virtuous pauper is better than a conceited billionaire."

"The size of your stock portfolio matters far less than the richness of your spirit. Cultivate humility above all."

"True wealth lies not in possessions or status but in modesty and generosity of heart."

"Pride brings a fall; humility receives grace. This is a law as old as mankind."

"Arrogance and ego are weeds that strangle the flower of wisdom. Cast them aside if you wish to keep growing."

"Do not let your successes lead to self-importance. The higher you climb, the easier it is to forget humility." 

"A swollen head has little space left for wisdom. Seek knowledge over pride if you wish to keep growing."

"The rich man who scoffs at the less fortunate does not realize his own poverty of compassion." 

"Great wealth often clouds judgment and corrupts the soul. Retain perspective if you wish to retain dignity." 

"True riches come from enriching others, not elevating yourself. Share your fortune to share in lasting joy."

"There is no heart more impoverished than that of the miser. Generosity opens us to untold treasures."

"Do not equate your self-worth with your net worth. Virtue and values matter more than any vault."

"Gold will perish, but goodness lasts forever. Invest in people over possessions for rewards that really matter."

"The abundance of wealth can lead to the poverty of spirit if not tempered with charity and magnanimity."

"A quick climb to success often ends in a sudden fall. Build on firm foundations of humility and gratitude."

"Arrogance is a disease that infects even the wealthiest soul. Immunize yourself with the vaccine of modesty."

"Do not look down on those less successful. We all struggle and achieve in our own time."

"Riches may grant comforts, but character is built on moral wealth alone."

"Swollen pride is a sickness of the soul. Seek instead to expand your spirit through generosity." 

"The rich man who thinks himself better than others has not yet learned life's most valuable lessons."

"False pride brings disgrace, while humility cultivates an honorable name."

"Do not let the number of zeroes in your bank account distort your sense of self-worth."

"A thick ledger but a thin spirit is the mark of a profoundly impoverished life." 

"Do not judge the value of a man by the size of his wallet. Look to the content of his character instead."

"An arrogant heart betrays an empty soul. Fill yourself instead with compassion and grace."

"The wealth that truly lasts is measured in kindness, not carats or shares."

"Do not let fleeting riches inflate your vanity. Cultivate lasting inner wealth built on wisdom and virtue."

"True prosperity fills the heart, not just the vault. It grows by lifting others up, not elevating the self."  

"The rich man who turns up his nose at the poor misses the true path to contentment."

"Abundance can either expand or shrink the spirit, depending on your relationship to pride."

"Do not let the money you accumulate outpace the maturity of your soul."

"A swollen head shrinks the heart. Balance outward success with inward humility."

"There is no prestige in riches alone. Add value to the lives of others to gain true status." 

"Do not mistake your bank statements for your value as a human being."

"The abundance of money means little without the riches of the human spirit - cultivate generosity!"

"Beware the poverty of a grumbling soul. Gratitude transforms even modest means into great wealth."

"Measure self-worth by integrity and compassion, not by fleeting balances and valuables."

"Temporary treasures come and go, but faithful humility remains to steady the heart."

"Worldly success often undermines moral clarity. Anchor yourself in wisdom and virtue."

"Great comforts do not always make a great life. Seek instead to ease the suffering of others."

"Do not equate riches with righteousness. The goodness of a life is measured by far more than finances."

"True wealth is a matter not of assets but of attitudes - nurture generosity over selfishness." 

"Be more concerned with the content of your character than the extent of your capital."

"Abundance can enlarge the mind or swell the head - pray for wisdom to tell the difference."

"The rich man who lords over others only imprisons himself in superiority’s small cell."

"Do not mistake affluence for influence - a virtuous heart sways more than a thick purse."

"Let humility be your anchor, lest pride set you adrift from empathy and grace."

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