70+ I am yours Quotes

"In a world where love is often portrayed as fleeting and conditional, it's important to remember that true love is built on commitment and sacrifice. These 'I am yours' quotes remind us that true love is a choice, and one that should be made with intention and purpose. Whether you're in a new relationship or have been with your partner for years, these quotes will serve as a reminder of the power of love and the beauty of committing to one another."

I am yours and you are mine quotes

I am yours, in every sense of the word. My heart, my soul, my being, they all belong to you. You are the one that I want to spend my life with, I am yours forever. You make my world a better place, I am so grateful to have you in my life. Together we are unbreakable, I am yours, always and forever.

I am yours, you are mine quote

"I am yours, you are mine. Together we are one."

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, now and forever. I give myself to you completely."

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, body and soul. I give myself to you fully and without reservation."

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, with every beat of my heart and every breath I take. You are the love of my life."

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, now and forever. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." 

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"Our love is like a boat on a calm ocean, steady and strong. I am yours, and you are mine." 

 I am yours, you are mine quote

"I am yours to keep, to love, and to hold. You are the one I want to spend my life with." 

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, with every fiber of my being. I love you with all of my heart and soul." 

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"You own my heart and soul, I am yours completely." 

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours to cherish, to protect, and to love. I give you my all, my everything." 

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, with every breath and every beat of my heart. I love you more than words can express." 

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish. You are the one I want to spend my life with."

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a bond that will never be broken." 

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a journey that will take us through all of life's ups and downs."

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a flame that will never be extinguished." 


"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a bond that will last a lifetime."


I am your you are mine messages

"I am yours and you are mine, a perfect match, two hearts entwined. Our love is a bond that nothing can sever, a promise that we will be together forever. We have found each other in this vast and complicated world, our love is a beacon that guides us through the chaos. Together we are stronger, braver, and more capable of facing anything that comes our way. I am yours and you are mine, a love story that will last a lifetime."

"I am yours and you are mine, a love that is pure, true, and divine. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, until the end of time. With you by my side, I have the strength to face any challenge, and the courage to chase my dreams. Together, we will create a life that is filled with joy, laughter, and endless love. I am yours, my love, and I will always be yours."

"I am yours and you are mine, in every sense of the phrase. My heart beats for you, my soul longs for you, my mind thinks of you always. I am yours, and I will be yours always, my love for you will never die. Together, we will build a life that is filled with love, hope, and happiness. You are my everything, I am yours, forever and always."

"I am yours, you are mine, a love that is pure and true. Our hearts beat as one, our souls entwine, our love is a bond that nothing can sever. Together we will face the storms of life, and come out stronger on the other side. I am yours, my love, and I will always be yours."

"I am yours, my love, and you are mine, a love that is meant to be. Together we will create a life filled with joy, laughter, and endless love. I promise to be your rock, your support, and your guide, always and forever."

"I am yours, and you are mine, a love that is written in the stars. Our hearts are forever entwined, our love is a bond that will never be broken. Together, we will conquer all, and create a life that is filled with happiness and love."

"I am yours, my love, and you are mine, a love that is pure and true. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, until the end of time. Together we will build a life filled with love, hope and happiness, forever and always."

"I am yours, and you are mine, a love that is perfect and divine. Together we will face the ups and downs of life, with love, compassion, and understanding. I am yours, my love, and I will always be yours."

"I am yours, and you are mine, a love that is deep and true. Our hearts are forever entwined, our love is a bond that nothing can sever. Together we will create a life that is filled with love, joy and happiness, forever and always."

"I am yours, my love, and you are mine, a love that is meant to be. I promise to love, honor and cherish you, through all the twists and turns of life. Together we will create a life that is filled with love, laughter, and happiness."

"I am yours, and you are mine, a love that is pure and true. Together we will face the storms of life and come out stronger on the other side. I am yours, my love, and I will always be yours."

"I am yours, my love, and you are mine, a love that is meant to be. Together we will create a life filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. I promise to be your rock, your support, and your guide, always and forever."

"I am yours, and you are mine, a love that is perfect and divine. Together we will create a life that is filled with love, joy and happiness, now and forevermore."

You are mine quotes

In relationships, love is the glue that holds us together and helps us navigate the ups and downs of life. It gives us the strength to support and encourage each other, and it helps us to feel connected and valued. When we are loved and feel loved, we are more likely to feel confident, secure, and happy.

I am yours, you are mine quote
"I possess your heart and soul, you are mine completely."

I am yours, you are mine quote


"You are mine, now and forever. I claim you completely."
"You are mine to keep, to love, and to hold. You are the one I want to spend my life with."
"You are mine, body and soul. I claim you fully and without reservation."
"You are mine, and I am yours. Our love is a work of art, beautiful and intricate."
"You are mine, and I am yours. Our love is a puzzle, fitting together perfectly."
"You are mine, and I am yours. Our love is a journey to the stars and beyond."
"You are mine, and I am yours. Our love is a never-ending story, full of adventure and romance."
"You are mine, with every beat of my heart and every breath I take. You are the love of my life."
"You are mine, completely and totally. I have captured your heart and soul, and you are mine forever."

I completely your quotes

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that plays a central role in our relationships with others. It is often described as a feeling of strong affection or deep attachment, and it can be characterized by feelings of warmth, tenderness, and compassion. But love is more than just a feeling - it is also a choice, a decision to invest in and care for another person. here are some of the quotes about i am completely yours

"I am yours, completely and totally. You have captured my heart and soul, and I am yours forever." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a treasure that I hold dear to my heart." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a gift that I will cherish always." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a bond that will never be broken, no matter what life throws our way." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a journey that will take us through all of life's ups and downs, but I know that as long as we are together, we can overcome anything." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a bond that will last a lifetime, through all the joys and challenges we may face." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a treasure that I will always hold dear to my heart, and I am so grateful to have you by my side." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a gift that I will always cherish, and I am so thankful to have you in my life." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a bond that is stronger than anything else in the world, and I am so grateful to have you by my side." 

"I am yours, and you are mine. Our love is a flame that will never be extinguished, no matter how many storms we face. I am so grateful to have you in my life, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with you by my side." 

Short I am yours quotes

I am yours, you are mine quote

"I am yours to keep, to love, and to hold."

"From this moment on, I am yours."

"I am yours, body and mind, heart and soul."

"You have my love, my trust, and my loyalty, I am yours."

"I am yours, in every sense of the word."

"With every breath I take, I am yours."

"I am yours, to cherish and to protect."

"I am yours, to love and to be loved by."

"I am yours, no matter what life may bring our way."

"You have my heart, and with it, I am yours."

"I am yours, now and always."

"I am yours, in good times and in bad, through thick and thin."

"I am yours, to hold and to care for."

"I am yours, to support and to encourage."

"I am yours, to lift up and to inspire."

"I am yours, to cherish and to nurture."

"I am yours, to hold close and to keep safe."

"I am yours, to stand by and to have faith in."

I am yours quotes for him

I am yours, you are mine quote

"I am yours, to trust and to rely on."

"I am yours, to share life with and to grow with."

"I am yours, to give my all to."

"I am yours, to be by your side through all of life's ups and downs."

"I am yours, to love and to be loved unconditionally."

"I am yours, to be your rock and your support."

"I am yours, to be your partner in all things."

"I am yours, to be your faithful companion."

"I am yours, to stand by you and support you through all of life's challenges."

"I am yours, to be your faithful and loving partner."

"I am yours, to give my all to and to cherish forever."

"I am yours, to love and be loved by, for all eternity."

"I am yours, to share my life with and to grow with."

"I am yours, to stand by you and support you through thick and thin."

I am yours, you are mine quote 

"I am yours, to be your loyal and loving partner."

"I am yours, to offer my heart and soul wholeheartedly."

"I am yours, to be your faithful companion and support through all of life's ups and downs."

"I am yours, to love and be loved by, through all of life's challenges and joys."

"I am yours, to give my all to and to cherish for all of the time."

"I am yours, to be your partner in all things and to stand by you through all of life's ups and downs."

"I am yours, to be your faithful and loving companion."

"I am yours, to offer my heart and soul wholeheartedly and without reservation."

Deep love quotes about I am yours

But the power of love in relationships extends beyond just our own personal well-being. It also has the power to transform and enrich the lives of those around us. When we show love and compassion to our partners, friends, and family members, we create positive and uplifting relationships that can inspire and motivate us to be our best selves.

Moreover, maintaining love and investing in our relationships can have long-term benefits. Strong, loving relationships can provide us with a sense of belonging, connection, and support that can last a lifetime. They can also help us to weather the storms of life, providing a sense of stability and security during times of stress and uncertainty.

In short, the power of love in relationships is immeasurable. It has the ability to enrich our lives, strengthen our connections with others, and provide us with a sense of purpose and meaning. Whether we are seeking love or are already in a loving relationship, it is important to hold on to love and nurture it, for it is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. 

"I am yours, to offer my heart and soul to completely and without hesitation."

"I am yours, to love and be loved by, for all of the time."

"I am yours, to be your faithful companion and support through all of life's trials and tribulations."

"I am yours, to stand by you and support you through all of life's joys and sorrows."

"I am yours, to be your loyal and loving partner, through all of life's twists and turns."

"I am yours, to offer my heart and soul to without reservation or hesitation."

What is “I Am Yours”?

'I Am Yours' is a love quote that reminds us to hold on to each other. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that we should never let go of the ones we love. This quote is a perfect way to show your loved one how much you care about them.

Exploring the Meaning of Love

Love is something that we all crave. It's that feeling of being wanted, needed, and accepted. Love is what makes us feel alive. Love quotes can help us to remember what it feels like to be loved and to be in love. They can also remind us to hold on to each other when times are tough. Here are some of our favorite love quotes:

Possessive quotes I am yours

I am yours, you are mine quote

'I am yours, you are mine, from this moment until the end of time.' – Unknown

'Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone.' – The Notebook

'To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.' – Lao Tzu

'If I know what love is, it is because of you.' – Herman Hesse

'Love is the hardest thing to find and the easiest thing to lose.' – Unknown

Love quotes about I am always yours

We all need to be reminded that we are not alone and that someone is always looking out for us. Whether you are in a relationship or just looking for some inspiration, these “I am yours” quotes will show you the power of love and remind you to hold on to each other.

I am yours, you are mine quote

'I will always be yours.' - Unknown

I am yours, you are mine quote 

'You are the one I want to be with forever.' - Unknown

'I love you more than anything in this world.' - Unknown

'I will never leave you.' - Unknown

'I will always be there for you.' - Unknown 

'You are my everything.' - Unknown 

'My love for you is eternal.' - Unknown 

'I am madly in love with you.' - Unknown 

'You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.' -Unknown

'I am yours, and you are mine.' - Unknown 

'I will always be yours, and you will always be mine.' - Unknown

'Our hearts have been joined since the beginning of time.' - Unknown

'We were meant to be together, forever and always.' - Unknown

'I love you, I am yours.' - Unknown

'You are my everything, I am yours.' - Unknown

'With you, I am complete, without you I am lost.' - Unknown

'You are my home, my life, my everything.' - Unknown

'There is no me without you.' - Unknown

'I am nothing without you by my side.' - Unknown

'I am yours, you are mine, and we are one.' - Unknown

'I am completely yours, forever.' - Unknown

'You are mine, and I am yours. That is enough.' - Meister Eckhart

'I belong to you and you belong to me -- together we find strength.' - Unknown

'Our joys will be greater, our love will be deeper, our lives will be fuller because we share them together.' - Unknown

'In your arms, I feel at home.' - Unknown

'There's no place I'd rather be than in your arms.' - Unknown

'I am only half myself without you.' - Aristotle

'Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.' - Richard Marx

'I choose you every day.' - Marisa Peer

You are mine and I am yours quotes

When things are tough and the world is against us, it's important to remember that we're not alone. We have each other. And these "I am yours" quotes remind us of that.

In this world, it’s easy to get lost. We can become wrapped up in our own lives and our own problems and forget that there are people who love us and care about us. That’s why it’s important to remind ourselves, and each other, of the power of love.

When we feel loved, we feel like we can conquer anything. Love is the most powerful emotion and it can give us strength when we need it most. So next time you’re feeling down or lost, remember these love quotes. They will remind you that you are never alone, and that there is always someone who loves you unconditionally.

'I am yours, and you are mine, and we are together.' - Unknown

'I am yours to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.' - Traditional Wedding Vows

'I will always be there for you. I am yours forever.' - Unknown

'You are mine, and I am yours. What we have is special.' - Unknown

'Our love is unbreakable. I am yours, and you are mine.' - Unknown

'I will always love you. I am yours forever.' - Unknown

'We are meant to be together. I am yours, and you are mine.' - Unknown

'I cannot imagine my life without you. You are mine forever.' - Unknown

'There is no one else for me but you. I am yours forever.' - Unknown

'My heart is forever yours. I am yours.' - Unknown

"I am yours, you are mine, from this moment on." - Unknown

"If I could be anything in the world, I would want to be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live on your cheek, and die on your lips." - Unknown

"I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you." - Roy Croft

"To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." - Victor Hugo

"If I knew how to write half as well as you sing, I'd be a rich man." - George Harrison

"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for me like yours." - Maya Angelou

Tips to Express Love and Affirmation

It’s so important to express love and affirmation to our partner, and sometimes we need a little reminder on how to do that. Here are some tips:

Speak words of affirmation – let your partner know how much you appreciate them, what you admire about them, and why you’re grateful for them.

Demonstrate physical affection – consistent and genuine physical touch goes a long way in communicating love. Whether it’s cuddling, holding hands, or simply giving a gentle touch on the arm or shoulder, make sure your partner feels loved through physical contact.

Spend quality time together – give your undivided attention when you’re with your partner. Put away distractions like phones and laptops, and really focus on connecting with each other.

Do thoughtful gestures – show your partner that you’re thinking of them even when you’re not together by doing things like leaving a sweet note somewhere they’ll find it, sending a text or email just to say “I love you,” or planning a special surprise.

Be generous with compliments – build up your partner’s confidence and self-esteem by regularly offering sincere compliments about their appearance, character traits, successes, etc.


Falling in love is one of the most beautiful things that life can give us. It is important to remember that love should be cherished and celebrated, and these quotes act as a reminder for us to always hold on to each other no matter what. Whether you are looking for an inspirational quote or something heartfelt, I Am Yours has plenty of options to choose from. So take your pick and share it with your significant other!

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  • The Posting Here
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