100+ Zyzz Quotes To Get You Through The Day

In this article, you will find more than 100 quotes from Zyzz that can help you through your day.

Zyzz is a personal trainer who has achieved incredible success in the fitness industry. He shares his story and the motivation behind his success in this interview.

Zyzz started working out at a young age to help improve his athletic performance. He quickly realized that he had a knack for helping people achieve their fitness goals, and began working as a personal trainer. Zyzz’s unique approach to training helped him to achieve success beyond his expectations.

Zyzz attributes much of his success to his focus on motivation and positive attitude. He believes that if you have the right mindset, anything is possible. His goal is to help others achieve their fitness goals, no matter what their level of experience or skill is.

By sharing his story and motivation, Zyzz hopes to inspire others to chase their dreams and achieve their goals.

Life Quotes from Zyzz

Read the quotes below from Zyzz about life that will motivate you.

"There's no one right way to live, there are only successful ways". - Zyzz

"The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win." - Zyzz

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." -Zyzz

"The most important thing is to enjoy your work. If you don't enjoy it, then you're doing it wrong." -Zyzz

Motivation is what gets you started, and it keeps you going until the job is done. -Zyzz

I refuse to accept being average."

"There is nothing more powerful than knowing that you are capable of achieving something incredible."

"I know what I want and I'm going to get it."


Motivational Zyzz Quotes

There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to motivation, but these quotes from Zyzz will get you through your day.

1. "I am not perfect. But I am striving for perfection." - Zyzz
2. "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The busiest people will usually get it done." - Zyzz
3. "You must be willing to give up the good to go for the best." - Zyzz

4. "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." - Zyzz

5. "When you stand up to be counted, be counted in service." - Zyzz

6. "You can't control everything, but you can control your attitude." - Zyzz

7. "Your attitude determines your life, your attitude determines your world--your future." - Zyzz 

8. "Everything you want in life is on the other side of fear." - Zyzz9. "Success is not given, it's earned." - Zyzz

10. "It has been said that when somebody sets out to be a leader they must be willing to make people uncomfortable--to lead. I am someone who thrives on making people uncomfortable." - Zyzz

11. "The difference between success and failure is the strength of your will." - Zyzz

12. "To achieve greatness, you must start by believing that you are great" - Zyzz

13. "You don't have to do anything differently to become better at something than you were yesterday; you simply have to do it more." - Zyzz

14. " I have no advice for anyone. I'm just a guy who's been through a lot of stuff, seen a lot of things and thought a lot about them." - Zyzz

15. "You are never the same person you were yesterday." - Zyzz

16. "A leader is someone that leads. Nothing more, nothing less. So if you're not leading, then you're not leading." - Zyzz

17. "If you want to be successful in life and achieve your dreams, you must be willing to take risks" - Zyzz18. "I call my journey as a leader 'The Journey from Nothing.' It's an ongoing process." - Zyzz

19. "I'm always overwhelmed by others' abilities or accomplishments... and they are always a complete stranger... and I'm always thinking, 'Whoa.'" - Zyzz

20. "I am a true believer in the human spirit and I believe that people can do anything!" - Zyzz

21. "It's all about your attitude, how you carry yourself and how your day is going." - Zyzz 

22. "I believe in the Power of Positive Thinking" - Zyzz

23. "It's all about your attitude, how you carry yourself and how your day is going." - Zyzz

24. "I just love seeing people expand" - Zyzz

25. "Just keep on trucking... little by little." - Zyzz

26. "You can't be what you can't see" - Zyzz

27. "This world is full of opportunity... it's up to us to grab it." - Zyzz

28. "Be open minded and show respect for others." - Zyzz

29. "We're all learning the same lessons at different times in our lives" - Zyzz

30. "Take a chance and ask questions ." - Zyzz

31. "Find out who you are and what your passion is." - Zyzz

32. "You're only limited by your imagination" - Zyzz

33. "Be good to yourself and others." - Zyzz

34. "There's a reason for everything that happens in life." - Zyzz

35. "Life is a beautiful journey" - Zyzz

36. "Don't be afraid to try, fail and learn from it." - Zyzz

37. "Don't dwell on the past, look forward" - Zyzz

38. "Don't judge a book by its cover" - Zyzz

39. "Don't sweat the small stuff, just keep working hard and focus on the big picture." - Zyzz

40. "Try new things" - Zyzz

41. "Don't feel bad if you make mistakes, they are only opportunities to perfect yourself" - Zyzz

42. "Don't let your emotions get the better of you" - Zyzz

43. "Be proud of who you are and always give 110%" - Zyzz

44. "Life is a journey, not a destination." - Zyzz

45. "Be patient, slow down, and appreciate each moment as it passes by." - Zyzz

46. "It's okay to be scared; just be brave enough to push through." - Zyzz

47. "Never give up on your dreams; no one else can make them come true for you but yourself." - Zyzz 48. "Don't let others define your success" - Zyzz

49. "Sometimes you have to take a risk and say what you feel" - Zyzz

50. "Never be afraid to ask for help." - Zyzz

51. "You are the only person that has the power to make yourself happy." - Zyzz

52. "Have courage, ignore the haters, learn from your mistakes and tell people how amazing you are." - Zyzz

53. "Be yourself; you were born unique and beautiful" - Zyzz

54. "Sometimes we get so caught up in everything that it's hard to remember what's most important: family, friends, loved ones, health and happiness" - Zyzz

55. "Try something , don't give up, and you'll become the best version of yourself" - Zyzz

56. "If changing your mind means you have to be uncomfortable, try it anyway." - Zyzz

57. "Trust your intuition" - Zyzz

58. "Don't let anyone bring you down because they will never know what a great person you can be." - Zyzz

59. "I'm proud of who I am and all that I have accomplished so far in my life." - Zyzz

60. "Just do me one favor: love yourself, and walk proud every day!" - Zyzz

61. "I believe that every day is a new beginning, even if things seem like they're not going well; just focus on the positive and know that something better will come" - Zyzz

62. "There is never an age limit to what you can achieve as long as you put your mind to it." - Zyzz

63. "Don't give up on yourself ever!" - Zyzz

64. "You're not that person everyone else thinks you are, so don't let them control the decisions that you make." - Zyzz

65. "I love myself because I'm the person I have always wanted to be." - Zyzz

66. "I would tell anyone going through anything in life, just keep strong and don't let anyone bring you down because they will never know what a great person you can be." - Zyzz

67. "We all get down sometimes. We all have bad days but you've got to keep on going. You've got to keep pushing through and don't let go of your dreams." - Zyzz

68. "There is a person standing next to you who will help and support you, be it your family, friends or even strangers." - Zyzz

69. "When you are feeling low just remember that life is too short for anything and everything else." - Zyzz

70. "It's okay if you fail sometimes, fail often even, but never ever give up. Always continue striving for success because success is the only aim in our life that really matters." - Zyzz

71. "The older we get we realize how much time we waste with things that don't make us happy." - Zyzz

72. "Never give up and even if you think your life can't get any better, make it better." - Zyzz

73. "You don't need to cry people out when you are sad, just enjoy the moment and try to be happy again." - Zyzz

74. "Don't be afraid to talk to people that have a different opinion from yours because it might help you see things differently." - Zyzz

75. "In life there are going to be good times and bad times, but never give up until the bad times pass by." - Zyzz

76. "Keep working on your goals and achieving them because in the end, only success matters." - Zyzz

77. "It's okay to be mad sometimes. It's okay to not like something, it's okay to say that you don't like it, but at the end of the day, be happy and try your absolute hardest to enjoy what you have." - Zyzz

78. "The nice thing about being nice is that people will understand you when you are upset or mad instead of thinking that you're weird because they aren't nice." - Zyzz

79. "It's okay for people to look down on others sometimes but only if you know what your goals are and why it matters to strive for them because I believe everyone should have their own dreams." - Zyzz

80. "You can't always be happy, sometimes things just happen and there's nothing we can do about this but just be happy and appreciate the good things." - Zyzz

81. "A true friend is someone who will help you when you are down or upset but won't want to help or get into your life for no reason." - Zyzz

82. "If you love someone, let them go, if they come back it's because their love is real!" - Zyzz

83. "There are some people that are gonna hurt you in the end and they will stay with you even after they have left cause its all about how strong we hold onto our memories so don't forget who's that person in your life." - Zyzz

84. "It can be hard being an artist because sometimes people don't understand what we do, so if you ever feel that people don't like what you do, just smile and say "I LOVE YOU!" And if they are your biggest critic don't listen to them and keep on doing what you believe in" - Zyzz

85. "There are a lot of things I wish I would have done differently, but I can't fix things that happened years ago. So I guess it doesn't matter because we learn from our mistakes." - Zyzz

86. "It's not easy being me sometimes but at least who I am isn't just someone that tries to be perfect all the time." - Zyzz

87. "You get up in the morning and feel better when your smile says more than any words could." - Zyzz88. "I'm not perfect, but I have respect for others and that is what matters." - Zyzz

89. "I'm learning to love myself every day because I'm hearing the same thing over and over again and it makes me sick! But when I look back, I can laugh and say oh yeah...I was really dumb" - Zyzz

90. "You have to take charge of your life....you just have to get up and make it happen!!" - Zyzz

91. "Something simple like smile or clap, you know how it will affect someone else's life." - Zyzz

92. "As a teenager, I wondered if anyone ever listened when I spoke my mind against society's norms. Now, I know exactly how to make a person listen! " - Zyzz

93. "I'm having difficulty finding the right words...I don't want to say too much, and I just wanted to share what I can with you" - Zyzz

94. "You're not perfect...None of us are...But if I don't try, then maybe that means that I am the same as everyone else, and nothing will ever change for me." - Zyzz

95. You are not alone in your life or in your pain or in your fears or even in your successes.You have many people who care about you and they love you very much and they love all of us very much also....including those we have lost and may never see again. But we will remember them and know they are with us in spirit and if we keep our memories fresh, then they are never far away. - Zyzz

96. "You have many people who care about you and they love you very much and they love all of us very much also....including those we have lost and may never see again." - Zyzz

97. "We all want to be part of something that is unique and special and it is because of the way that I think about this that I am able to give up everything for the kids." - Zyzz

98. "Sometimes in life, you have to make a sacrifice so that your kids can have a better chance at having a good life." - Zyzz 

99. "I am living in limbo knowing that my husband is probably going to stay alive for a long time and have the chance to see his kids grow up. I am not sure how he is going to do this but I know he will find a way." - Zyzz

100. "Trust me it is not easy leaving a body behind like this but if you think about what they are doing you will understand." - Zyzz

101. "The way the doctors described the situation to me it sounds just like something out of a movie....what we saw today was pretty much identical to what I saw with both boys at their first surgery when they were very small. Just like yesterday, sounds crazy, doesn't it? It does! But it is true. The baby was holding his brother's hand and helping him to walk again. You can imagine how happy the parents were. I don't think anyone could have imagined them doing this. But when you are in that situation, the only thing you can do is be there for your children. Take care of them no matter what they say or do...and hope that they are strong enough to take care of themselves." - Zyzz

When you're starting to feel sluggish, it's important to remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place. For example, one quote that can help is "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." Even if you don't feel like working at first, remember that the end result will be worth it.

Finally, remember that you are not alone on this journey – there are many people who have been through the same thing and have succeeded. Talk to someone else about your struggles and share your positive thoughts on the journey so far.

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