Don't Play With Feelings Quotes (New)

Playing with someone's feelings is one of the worst things people can do with others, We should not play with others' feelings. Take care of others if you can't full fill leave but you don't have any right to play with the feelings of others.

If you play with someone's feelings surely, one day someone will also play with your feelings. 

“Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a lifetime.” — William Shakespeare.

From all the toys in the world, people choose feelings to play with.

Don't play with someone's feelings, you may win the game but you will surely lose someone.

Never play with the feelings of others, because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a lifetime.

Never play with someone's feelings just because you're unsure of your own.

Just be honest with me or stay away from me. It's not that difficult. 

Playing with feelings quotes

- "Playing with someone's feelings is like playing with fire, eventually, you'll get burned." 

- "If you can't handle someone's feelings, don't play with them."

- "Never take someone's emotions for granted, because someday, they might be gone."

- "It's cruel to play with someone's feelings when you know they're vulnerable."

- "Playing with someone's feelings is a cowardly act."

- "When you play with someone's feelings, you're not only hurting them but also yourself."

- "Emotions are not a game to be played, they're real and should be respected."

- "If you don't have any intention of staying, don't play with someone's heart."

- "Playing with someone's feelings is the quickest way to lose their trust."

- "Don't play with someone's emotions just because you can't handle your own."

Emotional manipulation quotes

- "Emotional manipulation is a toxic game that only ends in destruction."

- "If someone is manipulating your emotions, they're not worthy of your time or energy."

- "Emotional manipulation is a form of abuse that can leave lasting scars."

- "Don't let someone else control your emotions, you're the only one in charge of how you feel."

- "Manipulators will twist your emotions to fit their own agenda, don't fall for it."

- "Emotional manipulators will make you doubt yourself and question your own reality."

- "Don't let someone else's manipulative behavior define who you are."

- "If you're constantly feeling manipulated in a relationship, it's time to walk away."

- "Emotional manipulation is a tactic used by weak people to control others."

- "True love doesn't involve emotional manipulation."

Heartbreak quotes

- "Heartbreak is one of the most painful experiences we can go through, but it's also a sign that we loved deeply."

- "Sometimes heartbreak is necessary to grow and learn from our mistakes."

- "Heartbreak is a reminder that not everyone we love is meant to stay in our lives forever."

- "Heartbreak may leave a scar, but it also makes us stronger and more resilient."

- "Don't let heartbreak define you, use it as fuel to become a better version of yourself."

- "Heartbreak can teach us valuable lessons about love and life."

- "Healing from heartbreak takes time, but it's worth it in the end."

- "Heartbreak is not the end of the world, it's just the beginning of a new chapter."

- "Sometimes heartbreak is a blessing in disguise, leading us to something better."

- "Heartbreak can be a catalyst for positive change and personal growth."

Love and trust quotes 

- "Love and trust go hand in hand, without one, the other cannot exist."

- "Trust is the foundation of any healthy and loving relationship."

- "Love is built on a strong foundation of trust, honesty, and respect."

- "When you love someone, you trust them completely."

- "Love is not just a feeling, it's a commitment to trust and respect your partner."

- "Without trust, love is just a shallow and fleeting emotion."

- "True love is not just about words, it's about actions that build trust and respect."

- "The strongest relationships are built on a foundation of love, trust, and mutual understanding."

- "Trust is earned, not given, and it's the cornerstone of any lasting love."

- "Trust is a fragile thing, but when it's present in a relationship, it's the most valuable asset you can have."


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